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Marco’s misconduct and Sonoma Academy’s negligence have been investigated by Kaylee Tornay and Martin Espinoza for the Press Democrat. Here is their coverage so far:
- Sonoma Academy graduates detail sweeping allegations of improper behavior by former teacher - June 9th, 2021
- How we reported on Sonoma Academy - June 9th, 2021
- Sonoma Academy graduates, school leaders poised to begin restorative justice talks over harassment as students - June 10, 2021
- Sonoma Academy graduates known years ago as ‘Marco’s Girls’ spotlight teacher’s sexual harassment, school inaction - June 12th, 2021
- Experts explain the deceit and betrayal involved in sexual grooming of minors - June 12th, 2021
- Former head of Sonoma Academy responds to graduates alleging inaction on teacher’s harassment - June 14th, 2021
- PD Editorial: Teaching a lesson in standing up to sexual harassment - June 15th, 2021
- Sonoma Academy grad decries ex-school chief’s ‘failure’ to stop teacher’s harassment - June 15th, 2021
- Sonoma Academy will pursue wider misconduct investigation sought by alumni in wake of teacher’s firing - June 19th, 2021
- Graduates say Sonoma Academy martial arts classes exposed them to teacher’s aggression - June 19th, 2021
- Sonoma Academy male graduates speak out on school’s handling of teacher’s misconduct - June 19th, 2021
- PD Editorial: Sonoma Academy owes a full and public accounting - June 22, 2021
- Sonoma Academy will pursue wider misconduct investigation sought by alumni in wake of teacher’s firing - June 19th, 2021
- What will new investigation of Sonoma Academy teacher misconduct entail? Past cases provide clues - June 26th, 2021
We want to emphasize that the full scope of Marco’s misconduct remains unknown because Sonoma Academy has not yet completed a comprehensive investigation of his behavior during his employment at the school. In the initial investigation that led to his firing, only victims who came forward on their own were interviewed – no outreach to possible victims was made and the school community was not informed. On June 19, 2021, Sonoma Academy announced that a second, broader investigation will be conducted. While the school administration has yet to release a comprehensive plan for this investigation, we are encouraged to hear they have committed to taking this much-needed step.
What is grooming?
Sexual grooming is “a process by which a person prepares a child, significant adults, and the environment for the abuse of this child. Specific goals include gaining access to the child, gaining the child’s compliance and maintaining the child’s secrecy to avoid disclosure” (Craven et al. 2006: 297).
Grooming of underage students by teachers is, unfortunately, a common and well-documented phenomenon. In a K-12 school environment, “close contact with students, who are often eager to please their teachers, allows offenders the opportunity to 'groom' students for eventual misconduct, by giving special attention and rewards while slowly increasing the amount of touching or other sexual behaviors. In this way, offenders exploit students’ need to please and take advantage of the power they have over grades, discipline, playing time, and other rewards students may covet” (Grant et al. 2017: 2).
A recent review of the literature on sexual grooming reveals common patterns of behavior followed by abusers as they attempt to gain sexual access to children. These behaviors include: discussing sexual matters with children, sharing pornographic content with children, attempting to create reasons to see children after school hours (by giving rides, offering or asking for services, etc.), and slowly desensitizing children to touch by gradually escalating from seemingly accidental physical contact into more intimate touching such as wrestling or playing physical games (Winters et al. 2017: 726-727). Alumni have described Marco as engaging in all of these behaviors with minors over the course of his employment at Sonoma Academy.
Works Cited
- Craven, S.; Brown, S.; and Gilchrist, E. (2006). “Sexual Grooming of Children: Review of Literature and Theoretical Considerations.” Journal of Sexual Aggression 12:3, 287-299.
- Grant, B.; Wilkerson, S.B.; Pelton, D.; Cosby, A.; and Henschel, M. (2017). “A Case Study of K–12 School Employee Sexual Misconduct: Lessons Learned from Title IX Policy Implementation.” Office of Justice Programs’ National Criminal Justice Reference Service.
- Winters, G. M. and Jeglic, E.L. (2017). “Stages of Sexual Grooming: Recognizing Potentially Predatory Behaviors of Child Molesters.” Deviant Behavior 38:6, 724-733.
What does the law say about grooming of minors and mandated reporting?
In California, it is illegal to annoy or molest any minor under the age of 18 while motivated by an unnatural or abnormal sexual interest in the minor, according to California Penal Code Section 647.6.
Under California Penal Code Section 243.4(c), if you “touch an intimate part of another person for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification, or sexual abuse, and the victim is at the time unconscious of the nature of the act because the perpetrator fraudulently represented that the touching served a professional purpose,” you may be found guilty of sexual battery. Under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA, California Penal Code Sections 11164-11174.3), all teachers, administrators, and employees of organizations whose duties require direct contact with and supervision of children are mandated reporters. Mandated reporters are legally required to make a report to law enforcement whenever they know of or reasonably suspect that a child has been a victim of child abuse. This includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, or emotional maltreatment. As of June 9, 2021, Sonoma Academy and their legal counsel maintain that none of the reports they have received would trigger mandated reporting to California law enforcement. Our attorney and several child abuse experts with whom we have consulted disagree.